Sunday, May 9, 2010

Doesn't apply to me

Why is it that some people think the rules that apply to us really don't apply to them? The one I'm referring to this time is the yield sign. Yield signs mean you have to slow down OR possibly stop if the traffic that has the right-of-way is actually coming. The people with the right-of-way should not have to slow down because you're an idiot and can't figure out that YOU are the one that has to stop! I had to slam on my brakes the other day because this twit just kept right on coming through his yield sign. No "oops I screwed up" gesture or any kind of gesture for that matter. Just cutting right on in front of me.
People need to learn to LOVE the yield sign - appreciate it - worship it! It will save you from getting honked at, flipped off, or worse yet causing an accident!

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