Saturday, April 3, 2010

License check, please!

Before I get to the subject of this post, I have to say 2 other things. First, I'm sorry that I haven't been on here in 2 days. I've had really long days and just didn't have it in me to get here. Second, a friend reminded me that I forgot a very important part of the review I gave in the first post. I forgot about the pretzels. Now soft pretzels aren't usually one of my favorite things, but the ones at Flying Saucer are fantastic! They have a great flavor and I really enjoyed it.

Okay, now onto the subject of the day. I will apologize in advance because this is just the first in what I'm sure will be a LOT of venting about people and their lack of driving skills.
Today, it is a vent about people not understanding how to merge onto a highway. When you are getting onto a highway, you need to accelerate. Push the long, skinny pedal and GO! Now the exception to this rule is if there is so much traffic that you have no way in. Then you are allowed to go slow and slowly merge in. But when there is NO one there, move! I got behind this person the other night who was going 40mph getting onto I-35. 40? Seriously? That isn't going to cut it! And then they had the nerve to give me a dirty look when I passed them going the actual speed limit! ARRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!! Maybe it is my not-so-secret desire to go fast but still - you are getting onto a highway with traffic moving much faster than 40! You are going to get yourself killed as well as others! So lesson of the day - MOVE when merging onto the highway!

Rant of the day is done! Enjoy it! It looks gorgeous outside. I'll know for sure in a few minutes.

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